My Favourite places in FEP

Firstly facility is Panas Express. This shop is a smart collaboration with Faculty of Economics and Management (FEP) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). This shop located at Level 2 of the FEP building. This unique facility serves as a quick-service shop offering a variety of delicious and affordable meals. From local favorites snacks and refreshing beverages, Panas Express caters to diverse culinary preferences. This shop under AI surveillance 24-hour means non-stop monitoring using artificial intelligence for enhanced security round the clock and  providing 24hours convenience to all the professors and students.

The Shop

Scan face before enter the shop

Video inside the shop

Another key facility in FEP is the computer lab. This lab is furnished with high-speed computers and the latest software necessary for economics and management studies. Whether it’s for data analysis, research projects, or developing presentations, the computer lab provides students with the resources they need to succeed. Located in a dedicated building on campus, the computer lab is equipped with a wide array of high-performance computers, each loaded with essential software.

The computer lab view

The FEP features spacious and air-conditioned classrooms and lecture halls that are designed to create a conducive learning environment. These rooms are equipped with comfortable seating arrangements, ensuring that students can focus on their studies without distractions. The lecture halls are tiered to provide clear sightlines to the instructor, fostering better engagement during lectures.

Lecture Hall


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